Driving directions to 4821 Crow Canyon Rd, Castro Valley, CA 94552 From East Castro Valley Blvd and Crow Canyon Rd


Please, note, our home is an ODD NUMBER, located on an EVEN NUMBERED side of the street!!!!




1. Head northeast on Crow Canyon Rd from E Castro Valley Blvd



2. U Turn on Cull Canyon Rd

http://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/transparent.png0.5 mi


3. Turn right onto the little unnamed rd at approx 4830 Crow Canyon Rd http://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/markers2/marker_greenB.png

 4.  Follow the road and go over the bridge. Then proceed up the hill to the left.

Destination will be on the right

318 ft




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Last updated: 12/29/11.